ADM's mission and central tasks

The leading business association for German market and social research.

As a business association, the ADM represents the interests of the private market and social research institutes in Germany. The ADM member institutions achieve more than 80 percent of the Industry’s Sales. The ADM is the only association of its kind in germany.

Its main tasks include political advocacy, in particular by giving opinions and participation in political institutions ‘ consultations, advising and representing members, combating unfair Competition and self-regulation of market and social research through the development and enforcement of professional principles, rules of ethics and scientific quality standards.


ADM’s current board members are:

Bernd Wachter (executive board member)
Sebastian Götte
Dr. Roland Abold

ADM Wirtschaftsverband Interessensvertretung

Focus #1

Assuring quality & scientific rules

ADM Qualität und Wissenschaftlichkeit
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Foucs #2

Political representation

Politische Interessenvertretung ADM
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Focus #3

Counseling & representing members

ADM Beratung und Vertretung
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Focus #4

Self-regulation of market and social research

Selbstregulierung Markt- und Sozialforschung
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ADM Geschichte und Entwicklung

Our history

Since 1955 active for the success and further development of our industry

The ADM was established on 20. June 1955 in Würzburg as the “Arbeitskreis für betriebswirtschaftliche Markt- und Absatzforschung”, based in Bonn, and was registered as an association on 26 June 1956. June 1956 entered the Register of Associations. The history of the adm, however, dates back to the year 1949. On 29. April 1949 constituted the “working Group for business market and sales research” in the Nuremberg University of Economics and business Administration. The lead in this regard were Georg Bergler, Erich schäfer, Jens H. Schmidt and Julius E. Schwenzner. In the year 1960 the association gave itself the name “working Group of German market research institutes” and since the 27th. April 1989 the name “adm Working Group of German Market and social research institutes e.v.”.

The bylaws of the ADM

Download our bylaws here (GERMAN ONLY!). The bylaws define the objectives and tasks of the association, conditions, rights and duties of membership, and the bodies of the ADM.

ADM Satzung Download